Key Man Insurance
Keyman Insurance is a Term Life Insurance cover taken up by the company to compensate for the financial loss suffered following the death or permanent total disability of a key member of staff of your organisation.
Pension Trustees Liability
Protect the assets of individual trustees, pension schemes, employers and employees in the event of a liability claim against your company.
Fidelity Guarantee
This insurance policy is designed to indemnify you the employer for the loss of money or property sustained as a direct result of acts of fraud, theft or dishonesty by an employee in the course of employment.
Employer's Liability
Employers Liability Insurance is ideal for employers with a large human resource. A lawsuit from your employees could result in lost time and revenue. This policy protects you against the risk of prosecution by employees with respect to work-related injuries.
Workman's Compensation
This is a cover for compensation to employees for work-related injuries and diseases contracted in the course of their employment.
Professional Indemnity
An insurance cover that provides cover for businesses by covering against a claim of malpractice, professional misconduct, or breach of duty. It also covers legal defense costs.
Public Liability Insurance
Essential in businesses that involve regular interactions with the members of the public such as retail businesses, restaurants, clinics, and more. Public Liability insurance can provide protection if you’re taken to court because your business activities cause damage to someone else’s property or result in someone being injured or killed.
Contractors All Risks
Contractors’ all risks (CAR) insurance is a non-standard insurance policy that provides coverage for property damage and third-party injury or damage claims, the two primary types of risks on construction projects.
- Contract works
- Raw materials and equipment on-site
- Workers
- Third-party liability
- Contractors’ plant and machinery insurance
Computer and Electronics Insurance
This policy provides cover against any accidental damage or loss that may occur to computing or electronic equipment while in business’ premises impacting and or disrupting day to day operations.
Engineering Plant and Machinery
This insurance policy covers your plant, machinery and equipment, offering critical coverage for physical damage to, and financial loss during machinery installation and in operation or equipment breakdown. Loss of income due to the equipment being broken may also be covered by this insurance policy.
Property Sabotage and Terrorism
This insurance product provides your business with cover for physical loss or damage to building and contents caused by acts of sabotage and terrorism.
Burglary Insurance
The Burglary policy provides indemnity against loss or damage to property following forcible or violent entry or exit from the insured premises or through hold-up. Have peace of mind knowing that you have taken all measures to protect your valuable business assets.
Industrial All Risk
An all-risk policy covering a wide range of perils such as fire and associated perils, burglary, accidental damage, breakdown as well as business interruption.
Plate Glass
This insurance product provides coverage against damage to, or breakage, of large panes of glass at the insured premises.
Electronic Equipment
This policy provides protection against unforeseen events that cause the breakdown and physical damage of installed electronic equipment in a business, providing you with the costs necessary to return it to its former state of operation.
Motor Commercial
This insurance policy provides your business’ commercial vehicles with financial protection against physical damage or loss and bodily injury resulting from traffic accidents and against liability arising from incidents in a vehicle.
Marine Hull
An extensive insurance product that provides coverage for the physical integrity of a ship such as its hull, lifeboats, railings and so forth.
- Marine Cargo insurance
- Marine Hull insurance
- Liability insurance.
- Freight insurance
Marine Cargo
An essential cover in today’s global economy. NCBA has an extensive portfolio of marine and non-marine coverages for your goods, right from the warehouse of origin to destination warehouse.
Aviation Insurance
This policy covers against claims and losses arising from the ownership, maintenance, or use of aircraft and hangars or airports, including damage to aircraft, personal injury, or property damage.
Goods in Transit
This policy provides cover for loss or damage to various types of goods while in transit by road, rail or inland waterway within the geographical area set out in the policy. Cover may include All Risks, or customised for specified perils. It may also be taken for specific consignments or annually.
Bankers Blanket Bond
An insurance product specially tailored for banks and other financial institutions that protects against losses from a variety of criminal acts carried out by employees.
Bond Insurance
This insurance policy guarantees the repayment of the principal and all associated interest payments to the bond holders in the event of default. Also known as Financial Guarantee Insurance, it is a type of insurance which guarantees scheduled payments of interest and principal on a bond or other security in the event of a payment default by the issuer of the bond or security.
- Performance bonds
- Supply bonds /
- Trade Credit
- Maintenance bonds
- Construction bonds
- Contractor bonds
- Utility bonds
- Court bonds
- Probate bonds
Credit Life
This insurance solution covers you in the event of death, disability, or retrenchment that may prevent you from earning income to service the debt. It covers monthly loan payments and protects you from defaulting on the loan.
Mortgage Protection
An affordable solution that gives your dependants peace of mind in the unfortunate event of your death or disability as a policyholder. This insurance covers the outstanding loan balance of your mortgage.
Fire and Special Perils
This cover protects your business premises and tools against a variety of potential threats and losses caused by an accidental fire and other perils within and out of business premises.
Directors and Officers Liability
Almost a necessity for people in top management. NCBA’s Directors and Officers Liability insurance helps cover defense costs and damages arising out of wrongful act allegations and lawsuits brought against an organisation’s board of directors or officers. This insurance also protects individuals from personal losses if they are sued because of serving as a director or an officer of a business or other type of organisation.
Products Liability
Ideal for manufacturers and handlers of food substances, this policy protects you from legal liabilities for bodily injury to persons or loss of or damage to material property caused by products or goods sold or supplied.
Money Insurance
This policy covers loss or damage to money by robbery or theft whilst in transit from your premises to the bank and vice versa, in premises during business hours, in premises in locked safes or strong rooms outside business hours, in the hand of senior employees or authorised personnel of the company and the value of the safe.
Group Pension
Group pension cover for your employees forms an important component of your benefits offering. This cover will cater for employees’ future benefit upon retirement.
Group Medical Insurance
Being able to provide your employees with comprehensive health insurance that meets their needs can help to attract and retain the best talent. This policy is available to SMEs and large corporates.
- Inpatient and Outpatient expenses
- Maternity
- Dental expenses
- Optical expenses
Group Life Insurance
Group life insurance is a cover for organisations that provides lump-sum payments in the event that an employee dies while still in the service of that organisation. This coverage will provide the benefits to the beneficiaries’ next of kin if the covered individual dies during the defined covered period.
Group Personal Accident
Indemnify your business from losses related to unexpected personal accidents in the work environment. This policy covers your employees 24 hours a day and offers worldwide coverage for injuries they may incur, while at work or even on leave.
- Death Permanent disability
- Temporary loss of income due to disablement
- Last Expense
- Medical expenses arising from an accident in the workplace
- Extra benefits for disappearance (after 12 months), accidental injuries while wearing a seat belt or helmet.
Public Liability
Protect yourself from civil liabilities to third parties arising from accidental bodily injury, property damage, or other wrongs to any third party person, or accidental loss of, or damage to third party property. This policy covers only civil liabilities and not criminal liabilities.
Sounds like a deal?